Oxygen isotope stratigraphy from the Geologic Time Scale 2020: macrofossils
A dataset containing a compilation of d18O and d13C values of various macrofossils (bivalves, gastropods, belemnites, ammonites) together with information on their age, shell mineralogy, and the climate zone they represent. This dataset is a condensed version of the entire dataset presented in the Geologic Time Scale 2020. Specifically, the full dataset was filtered for those "select" d18O and d13C values that also have age information.
A data frame with 9676 rows and 8 variables:
- age
Age of the sample expressed as millions of years before present (Ma).
- d18O_VPDB
Carbonate d18O value expressed on the VPDB scale (‰).
- d13C_VPDB
Carbonate d13C value expressed on the VPDB scale (‰).
- mineralogy
The mineralogy of the carbonate hard part.
- group
Taxonomic group of the sample (bivalve, gastropod, belemnite, ammonite).
- clim_zone
The climate zone the sample represents.
Grossman, E. L., & Joachimski, M. M. (2020). Oxygen isotope stratigraphy. In F. M. Gradstein, J. G. Ogg, M. D. Schmitz, & G. M. Ogg (Eds.), Geologic Time Scale 2020: Volume 1 (pp. 279-307): Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-824360-2.00010-3
See also
Other "datasets":